(EPUB) Dhamma for Social Renewal

(EPUB) Dhamma for Social Renewal
สำนักพิมพ์ :
ผู้แต่ง :
Dhamma for Social Renewal: A Collection of Talks by Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu
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[Foreword by Sulak Sivaraksa]
Don Swearer was never ordained at Suan Mokkh, but he is a brilliant scholar of Buddhadasa Bhikkhus life and works. He had even recommended the revered monk to divide his sermons into series, keep an audio recording of each and every one of them, and compile and transform them into book form later. Since Buddhadasa took up Ajarn Don’s suggestion, we now have a sizeable collection of his works—a real treasure.
A young American who took the ordained name Santikaro then often served as Buddhadasa’s interpreter. After leaving the monkhood, Santikaro has become the leading translator of Buddhadasa’s works, especially for readers in the United States. By comparison, some Western scholars who claim to be Buddhadasa experts possess only superficial understanding of him.
Buddhadasa’s works have been translated into many different languages, including Chinese and Japanese. He is also the subject of numerous books. To my knowledge, Louis Gabaude of the Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient has compiled the most complete bibliography of works on or citing Buddhadasa in various languages.
วันวางขาย :
ประเภทไฟล์ : ePub
ประเทศ : TH
ภาษา : English
จากสำนักพิมพ์ Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives
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