5 Simple Tips for Successful Self Study

5 Simple Tips for Successful Self Study
สำนักพิมพ์ :
ผู้แต่ง :

ซื้อฉบับนี้ : 89.00 ฿
“Self Study” is actually one of the most powerful things that I think it will be very useful experience if one can do it in his/her lifetime. Learning is always on going, those who stop learning are actually the dead people; at least it is only my opinion. You can learn everything that you want to know or have interest of. I believe everything that surrounded us, it can be our teachers, either: environment, animals, plants, people, music, arts, or even energy. The more curiosity you have, the more you would like to learn more, and the more you will become more knowledgeable. Don’t be too shy to learn even though if you are old, in fact, by keeping learning, it will help you actually to become younger both for physically and mentally. There is ONLY one thing that will stop you from learning; that is “YOU” yourself. Therefore, you should give yourself a chance to do for self study and I’m sure that you will be proud of yourself once you achieve your goal.
ISBN : 978-616-321-123-1
วันวางขาย :
จำนวนหน้า : 51 หน้า
ประเภทไฟล์ : PDF
ขนาดไฟล์ : 9.77 MB
ประเทศ : TH
ภาษา : English
จากสำนักพิมพ์ Infinity & Beyond
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